Please note the programme is still subject to modifications.
Thursday, June 12, 2025
Room 1
08:00-09:00 Educational Session: Back to basics
Moderator: B. Ghaye, Brussels/BE
Chest Radiograph Front view, E. Pompe, Utrecht/NL
Chest Radiograph Lateral view, T. Franquet, Barcelona/ES
09:00-09:10 Break
09:10-10:10 Educational Session: Back to basics lung anatomy for CT interpretation
Moderator: R. Cesar, Ljubljana/SI
CT patterns: Nodules, E. Kocova, Hradec Kralove/CZ
CT patterns: Lines, D. Kifjak, Vienna/AT
Mosaic attenuation, A. Dubbeldam, Leuven/BE
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:40 AI Showcase Session
Moderator: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO
11:40-12:00 Opening Ceremony
Moderator: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO
12:00-12:10 Break
12:10-13:10 Industry sponsored symposium
13:10-13:40 Break
13:40-14:40 Educational Session: How to improve radiologists diagnosis of ILDs
Moderator: F. Ahlfors, Västra Frölunda/SE; A. Dubbeldam, Leuven/BE
Update on UIP, N. Sverzellati, Parma/IT
Update on NSIP, C. Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort/NL
DIP, PPFE etc., M. Occhipinti, Collesalvetti/IT
14:40-14:50 Break
14:50-15:50 Educational Session: Congenital findings diagnosed in adults
Moderator: R. Vliegenthart, Groningen/NL
Incidental vascular malformations, G. Chassagnon, Paris/FR
Incidentally detected airway abnormalities, S. Hobbs, Kentucky/US
Cardiac findings, K. Suther, Oslo/NO
15:50-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-17:20 Educational Session: Interstitial lung findings with many differentials
Moderator: E. Pompe, Utrecht/NL
Organising Pneumonia, J. Im Jung, Seoul/KR
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (non drug), C. Ridge, London/UK
Drug toxicity, J. Babar, Cambridgeshire/UK
17:20-17:30 Break
17:30-18:30 Educational Session: Update on pulmonary infections
Moderator: M. Hedger, Bergen/NO
Tuberculosis, E. Castañer González, Castelldefels/ES
Non tuberculos infections, J. Babar, Cambridgeshire/UK
Non-imaging diagnosis, F. Grovan, Bergen/NO
Room 2
08:00-09:00 Poster Presentation Session
Moderator: J.B. Seo, Seoul/KR
Percutaneous CT-guided thermal ablation of primary lung cancer. Effectiveness and complications, K. Stefanidis, Piraeus/GR
Comparison of Iodine Perfusion Maps by Using Photon-Counting CT in Lung Cancer Before and After Radiation Therapy – Preliminary results
Correlation of Brinkman Index with Pulmonary Vascular Volume in Public Transport Drivers Using Quantitative Thoracic CT: A Pilot Study
The use of FDG-PET/CT to guide treatment in pulmonary sarcoid
The Effect of Neuromuscular Blockade on the Incidence of Postoperative Atelectasis: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study
Diagnostic Value and Consistency of ADC and Dynamic Contrast MR Examination in Differentiating Epitheloid and Non-Epitheloid Subtypes in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Hepatopulmonary syndrome can mimick Interstitial lung disease
09:00-09:10 Break
09:10-10:10 Educational Session: Smoking and inhalation related disease
Moderator: M. Das, Duisburg/DE
COPD-basic/new, P-Y. Brillet, Bobigny/FR
Quantitative lung volume assessment on imaging, J. Dinkel, Munich/DE
Smoking related ILDs, A. Christe, Bern/CH
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-13:40 Break
13:40-14:40 Scientific Session 1: KSTR oral presentations
Moderator: G.Y. Jin, Jeon-ju/KR; H.Y. Lee, Seoul/KR
Artificial Intelligence-based Automated Measurement of Aortic Diameter in Low-Dose Chest CT Scans from National Lung Cancer Screening Participants, W.G. Jeong, Hwasun-gun, Jeollanam-do/KR
Challenges in Using AI-Based Emphysema Scores and PFT for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in COPD Patients
Diagnostic Performance of A Large Language Model In Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Radiology Report Generation: A Comparative Study With An Experienced Human Reader
Generating Ventilation Images from Ins-and-Expiration Images of Dual-Energy CT using Multi-task Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Prevalence, outcomes, and risk factor of pathological N2 category in lung cancers without radiologic mediastinal lymph node metastasis: Analysis under the 9th edition
Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Radiology Reporting: Diagnostic Comparisons of Single- and Multi-View Large Language Models
The Clinical Implications of Incidental Coronary Artery Calcification in Lung Cancer Screening Populations Who Have Interstitial Lung Abnormality: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Revolutionizing Pulmonary Embolism Care: How AI is Shaping the Future of Diagnosis and Patient Outcomes
Deep Learning-Based Iodine Contrast-Augmenting Algorithm for Suboptimally Enhanced CT Pulmonary Angiography, K.N. Jeon, Jinju and Changwon/KR
Quantitative CT measurement accuracy and variability according to different filters and deep learning reconstruction methods in low-dose chest CT
An Analysis of the Efficacy of Deep Learning-based Pectoralis Muscle Segmentation in Chest CT for Sarcopenia Diagnosis
14:40-14:50 Break
14:50-15:50 Scientific Session 2: Interstitial lung diseases
Moderators: P-Y. Brillet, Bobigny/FR; M. Occhipinti, Pisa/IT
Pulmonary fibrosis in patients with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis on CT – A multi-centre study, J. Ryan, Dublin/IE
Deep Learning-based Prediction of Functional Small Airway Disease on CT: Do we really need the Expiratory CT scan?, M. Pradella, Basel/CH
Deep-learning analysis on HRCT for predicting progression and mortality in systemic sclerosis-related interstitial lung disease
Ultra-Low-Dose Dark-Field Radiography for the Diagnosis and Staging of Pulmonary Emphysema, H. Bast, Garching/DE
Deep learning-based analysis of HRCT images for outcome prediction in pulmonary fibrosis: The added value over clinico-functional assessment in a prospective longitudinal study
Two Cases of Multiple Subpleural Lung Cyts in Down Syndrome: A Radiologic Perspective
Functional and Prognostic Impact of CT Phenotypes in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis – Preliminary Findings of an International Multicentre Study, G. Bailey, London/UK
15:50-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-17:20 Scientific Session 3: Deep learning, radiomics, AI
Moderator: S. Palmucci, Catania/IT
Challenges in Generalizing DL Models for Lung Nodule Classification: Insights from Screening and High-Risk Biopsy-Proven Cohorts
Chest CT-based Radiomics for PRISm Detection using Automated Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence prediction of osteoporosis from chest radiographs: Accuracy and association with long-term mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, E.J. Hwang, Seoul/KR
Effectiveness of AI Software in Assisting Lung-RADS Scoring Using Chest CT Images
The value of AI/ML models to predict continued participation in lung cancer screening, leveraging demographics and socioeconomic determinants of health
Exploring AI-enabled nodule management for incidentally detected pulmonary nodules on CT
Impact of Deep-Learning Image Reconstruction on ventilation and perfusion parameters derived by phase-resolved functional lung (PREFUL) MRI: Preliminary Results, J. Kroschke, Zurich/CH
17:20-17:30 Break
17:30-18:30 Scientific Session 4: Vessels, AI
Moderator: TBC
Prediction of PRISm using Bone Mineral Density and related parameters derived from Chest CT Imaging
Dose reduction in CT pulmonary angiography: The potential of deep learning based image reconstruction, P.J. Böttcher, Rostock/DE
The value of machine learning AI models for classification of interstitial lung diseases, leveraging comprehensive sociodemographic, clinical, imaging and PFT data
Longitudinal evaluation of coronary artery calcification in a lung cancer screening population: Long-term results of the BioMILD trial
AI/ML models can leverage socio-economic factors and clinical context to predict adherence to incidental pulmonary nodule follow-up
Determination of reference values for pulmonary ventilation using photon-counting CT (PCCT)
Deep Learning-Based Motion Correction (CLEAR Motion): Utility of Quantitative and Qualitative Image Quality Improvements on Chest CT in Patients with Thoracic Diseases
Friday, June 13, 2025
Room 1
07:30-08:00 ESTI General Assembly
08:00-09:00 Educational Session: ESTI meets KSTR
Moderators: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO; J.B. Seo, Seoul/KR
Interstitial lung abnormalities – An update, J. Choe, Seoul/KR
Interstitial lung diseases in collagenosis, updates, H. Prosch, Vienna/AT
Imaging after immuno therapy, H.Y. Lee, Seoul/KR
Road from screening to treatment; The radiologist’s role in LCS, A. Snoeckx, Edegem/BE
09:00-09:10 Break
09:10-09:40 Industry sponsored slot
09:40-10:10 Coffee Break
10:10-11:10 Educational Session: Cancer staging
Moderator: J.J. Arenas Jimenez, Alicante/ES
Tumour: C. Ridge, London/UK
Nodes: A. Farchione, Rome/IT
Metastasis: J.P. Kanne, Middleton/US
11:10-11:20 Break
11:20-12:20 Industry sponsored symposium
12:20-12:50 Break
12:50-13:50 Educational Session: Thoracic findings outside the lungs
Moderator: M. Rupreht, Maribor/SI
Spine, M. Adriaensen, Heerlen/NL
Chest wall, F. Del Grande, Montagnola/CH
Sarcopenia, V. Vasilevska Nikodinovska, Skopje/MK
13:50-14:00 Break
14:00-15:00 Educational Session: Lung cancer screening – Here to stay
Moderators: N. Howarth, Chêne-Bougeries/CH; C. Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort/NL
LCS ESTI paper, M-P. Revel, Paris/FR
LCS difficult cases, M. Silva, Parma/IT
AI in LCS, obligatory or optional?, F. Gleeson, Oxford/UK
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:05 Awardings & Honorary Lecture
Moderator: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO
Best Paper Award 2024 Presentation, N. Kwee, Utrecht/NL
Awardings: Oral+Poster Prizes
Honorary Lecture: Who knew?, F. Gleeson, Oxford/UK
16:05-16:10 Break
16:10-17:10 Educational Session: What every radiologist needs to know – An update
Moderator: C. Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort/NL
Interstitial Lung abnormalities (ILA), M. Silva, Parma/IT
E-cigarette or Vaping Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI), J.P. Kanne, Middleton/US
17:10-17:15 Break
17:15-18:15 Image Interpretation Quiz
Moderator: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO
Team1: G. Aviram, Tel Aviv/IL; B. Ghaye, Brussels/BE; M.O. Wielpütz, Heidelberg/DE
Team2: M. Das, Duisburg/DE; A. Kerpel Fronius, Budapest/HU; E. van Beek, Edinburgh/UK
Room 2
08:00-09:00 Scientific Session 5: Vessels
Moderator: TBC
Comparative Evaluation of Photon-counting CT and V/Q-SPECT for Functional Assessment in CTEPH
Lung ultrasound for the diagnosis of pulmonary exacerbation in Cystic Fibrosis: A case-control study, G. Angeluzzi, Florence/IT
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Area-Detector CT: Comparison of Tissue Blood Supply Changes based on Underlying Pathological Changes in Stage I NSCLC Patients with PF-ILD
Automated Segmentation of Pulmonary Arteries and Veins in Thoracic CT Scans, K. Heber, Bremen/DE
Longitudinal Aortic Diameter Assessment using an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm with Editable Measurements, S. Jalanthiran, Basel/CH
Evaluation of Changes in Thymic Density Following COVID-19 Vaccination
Deep-Learning Algorithm for Pulmonary Embolism Detection: A Multi-Cohort Analysis
09:00-09:40 Break
09:40-10:10 Coffee Break
10:10-11:10 Scientific Session 6: Screening and malignancies
Moderators: E. Pompe, Utrecht/NL; M-P. Revel, Paris/FR
Pilot lung screening in Scotland: Intervention findings, E. van Beek, Edinburgh/UK
Implementation of Vaud Lung Cancer Screening Pilot Project: First insights on the Baseline Results and the Role of a Multidisciplinary Nodule Review Board, C. Pozzessere, Lausanne/CH
Effectiveness and safety of different wire types for preoperative localization of pulmonary nodules: A systematic review and meta-analysis, X. Zhang, Groningen/NL
A Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Current Recommendations for Lung Cancer Screening
Prevalence and extent of dilated bronchial arteries in patients with cystic fibrosis detected by magnetic resonance angiography
Computed Tomography guided core needle biopsy of subcentimetric lung nodules in patients with known malignancy, J. Khoda, Kolkata/IN
11:10-12:50 Break
12:50-13:50 Educational Session: Updates in chronic diseases
Moderator: A. Farchione, Rome/IT
Pneumoconiosis – Update, L. Morbée, Ghent/BE
Autoimmune disease – Can we simplify it?, A. Nair, London/UK
Sarcoid – Still a mimicker?, K. Fosså, Molde/NO
13:50-14:00 Break
14:00-15:00 Educational Session: Progress in pulmonary fibrosis
Moderators: T.C. Mcloud, Boston/US; A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO
Progress in pulmonary fibrosis – A clinical update, TBC
CT patterns and MDT Diagnoses in ILD – A marriage made in heaven?, S. Desai, London/UK
Presentation of recent ESTI papers, A.R. Larici, Rome/IT
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Saturday, June 14, 2025
Room 1
08:00-09:00 Case-based Session
Moderator: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO
TNM lung cancer, A.R. Larici, Rome/IT
Mediastinal tumors, A. Snoeckx, Edegem/BE
09:00-10:00 Educational Session: Technical developments in thoracic imaging
Moderator: P.A. Grenier, Saint Cloud/FR; J.B. Seo, Seoul/KR
Dual energy CT, E. Coche, Brussels/BE
Photon counting CT, M. Prokop, Hilversum/NL
MR lungs, J. Biederer, Heidelberg/DE
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-10:40 Industry sponsored slot
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:10 Educational Session: ESTI meets ESCR
Moderator: I. Saab, Paris/FR; M. Hrabak Paar, Zagreb/HR
Coronary CT, R. Vliegenthart, Groningen/NL
Cardiac MRI for chest radiologists, M. Hrabak Paar, Zagreb/HR
Cardiac CT, black hole in the thorax, G. Aviram, Tel Aviv/IL
12:10-12:20 Break
12:20-13:20 Industry sponsored symposium
13:20-13:50 Break
13:50-14:50 Educational Session: Imaging in and after cancer
Moderator: A. Snoeckx, Edegem/BE
Post op complications, T. Frauenfelder, Zurich/CH
Recurrence etc., A. Oikonomou, Toronto/CA
Metastatic disease in thoracic cancers, E. Coche, Brussels/BE
14:50-15:20 Coffee Break
15:20-16:20 Educational Session: Malignancies
Moderator: A. Oikonomou, Toronto/CA
Mediastinum, N. Jerjir, Antwerpen/BE
Atypical lung cancer, L. McIntosh, city/CC
Mesothelioma, F. Gleeson, Oxford/UK
16:20-16:25 Break
16:25-16:45 Closing Ceremony
Moderators: A.P. Parkar, Bergen/NO; H. Prosch, Vienna/AT
Room 2
09:00-10:00 Educational Session: Imaging and artificial intelligence
Moderators: N. Jerjir, Antwerpen/NL; M-P. Revel, Paris/FR
AI basic terminology for the thoracic radiologist, W. Hendrix, Nijmegen/NL
AI data driven future, B. van Ginneken, Nijmegen/NL
AI EU act, M. Hauglid, Oslo/NO
10:00-10:40 Break
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:10 Educational Session: Imaging of the critical patient
Moderators: R. Cesar, Ljubljana/SI; Y. Ohno, Toyoake/JP
Chest X-ray in acute setting, C. De Margerie-Mellon, Paris/FR
Imaging in ECMO, K. Kallianos, San Francisco/US
Thoracic Trauma, I. Saab, Paris/FR
12:10-13:50 Break
13:50-14:50 Educational Session: What every thoracic radiologist should know
Moderator: N. Howarth, Chêne-Bougeries/CH
Tips and tricks: Biopsies in lungs and pleura, J.E. Wildberger, Maastricht/NL
Pulmonary embolism and hypertension, N. Screaton, Cambridge/UK
Nodule assessment, A. Nair, London/UK
14:50-15:20 Coffee Break
15:20-16:20 Educational Session: ESTI meets the Nordics
Moderator: T-V. Markussen, Tromsø/NO
Clinical implementation of autonomic AI description of ultranormal chest X-ray images, M.B. Andersen, Ishøj/DK
Lung Cancer Screening with LDCT: Insights from the Norwegian Pilot, TBC
Five Years of Photon-Counting CT: From Prototype to Clinical Implementation in Thoracic Imaging, TBC