ESTI Diploma


Aim(s) and target group

The European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) is proud to introduce the ‘European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging’ (ESTI Diploma) with the beginning of 2019. This diploma shall be a common European qualification for thoracic radiology imagers and will help to standardise training and expertise in thoracic imaging across Europe. The European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging is endorsed by the European Society of Radiology (ESR).

The European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) aims to unify and offer the acquisition of thoracic imaging expertise to its members across Europe through the issuance of certificates. Consequently, a curriculum for the European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging (ESTI Diploma) was developed as concrete implementation of the ESR European Training Curriculum (ETC) for Subspecialisation in Radiology (Level III) for chest radiology using the Six-Step Approach by Kern [1]. As the curricula of both ETC Level III and ESTI Diploma have a modular structure based on anatomical regions, the learning objectives were also grouped this way.

Diploma committee chairperson:

Dr. Anagha P. Parkar, Bergen/NO

Upcoming diploma examination:

ESTI 2025 Bergen | Thursday, June 12, 2025 | time to be confirmed

Diploma application deadline:

Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Future examination date:

ECR 2026 Vienna | date & time to be confirmed

General Information

General Information

1. The ESTI Diploma is acquired in 3 steps
– Step 1: Email Application
– Step 2: Completion of all requirements (eligibility criteria)
– Step 3: Written examination
2. Only a limited number of candidates can be accepted for examination, which will be held on meeting occasions like the annual ESTI congress or during ECR in Vienna. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis depending on the date of receipt of application form. Early application is therefore recommended.
3. The result of the examination will produce a total score for each candidate.
4. Upon decision, a list of pass and fail candidates will be produced and candidates will be informed accordingly by email.
5. Successful candidates will be awarded the ESTI Diploma.


Successful candidates will be awarded the European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging.

Handling Fee

Full member: € 430.00
Corresponding member: € 630.00
Re-Examination: € 200.00
Re-Accreditation: € 50.00


Step 1 - Email application

STEP 1 – Email application

Please send an email to in order to add your name to the Diploma list. From now on you will be included in the mailing and newsletter list to be up-to-date. Furthermore, you can now start to complete all requirements of Step 2.


Step 2 - Completion of all requirements

STEP 2 – Completion of all requirements (eligibility criteria)


a) Application form
The completed application form must be submitted to the ESTI Office.

b) Training in radiology
Applicants have to prove at least five years of national training in radiology. A certificate of completed training needs to be provided.
For candidates with less than five years of training, a proof of experience, as a supervised staff radiologist is required.

c) Subspecialty training
At least two years of subspecialty training or equivalent experience, following radiology certification, is required. A subspecialty training during the residency period does not fulfil the training requirement for a diploma. A signed letter from the head of department/programme director has to be provided.

d) Proof of practice
Diplomas may only be awarded to fully trained, licensed, and practicing radiologists. Specialists from other fields and radiologists no longer in practice are specifically excluded from being granted the ESR-endorsed ESTI diploma. For the purposes of this requirement, a proof of practice has to be provided.

e) RIS documentation/Logbook
A total record of the candidate’s experience in thoracic imaging countersigned by the candidate’s programme director is required (at least two years of subspecialty clinical practice/training certified by the programme director).

f) Letter of support
A letter of support from the head of department/programme director is required.

g) CME credits
At least 50 CME credits in thoracic imaging, recognised by ESTI, are required (e.g., ESTI recommends the European Congress of Radiology – ECR).

h) Curriculum vitae
A curriculum vitae (CV) has to be provided.

i) ESTI and ESR membership
Applicants have to be active full or corresponding radiologist members in good standing of ESTI and ESR, in the year(s) of application and examination.

j) Events
Candidates have to attend a minimum of three (3) ESTI meetings (congress and/or winter course) in five (5) years prior to the examination. Please send the respective confirmations of attendance to the ESTI Office.

k) Webinars/Workshops
ESTI recommends to attend its webinars and workshops to get continuous education and training for the diploma.


Step 3 - Preparation for examination

Step 3 – Preparation for examination


In order to prepare for the diploma examination, please make sure to familiarise yourself with the ESR training curriculum level 1-2 and 3. Both documents (make sure to observe the chest part) can be downloaded HERE.


Step 4 - Examination

STEP 4 – Examination

Once met the requirements from Step 2, the candidate can apply for the examination and will undergo a final examination.
All documents have to be submitted in English language.
The examination takes place twice a year, once at the ESTI annual meeting and once during ECR. A valid registration ticket for either congress will be required to enter the examination venue. The examination consists of a written component only.

Written examination
The written examination will be run using a qualified software like the EDiR software or similar:
– 20 multiple choice questions (4 answer options/1 or more are correct)
– 4 short cases
– 6 pictorial/annotate multiple choice questions (4 answer options/1 or more are correct)
– No negative marking for incorrect answers
– The exam lasts 60 minutes
– Candidate’s knowledge will be tested in all aspects relevant to thoracic imaging such as anatomy, physiology, clinical practice, pathology, protocols, quality parameters.


For your application kindly complete the application form and return it to the ESTI Office for approval by the ESTI Diploma Committee.

The ESTI Office will confirm the receipt of the candidates application and all required additional information once received. If a candidate cannot provide all entry criteria by the stated deadline, his/her registration for the exam will be cancelled. Candidates judged to have satisfied the entry criteria will be eligible to take the examination and informed accordingly by the ESTI Office.

>> ESTI Diploma Application Form <<

In case of any questions regarding the Diploma, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Diploma renewal after five years

ESTI will renew the European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging every five years for full/corresponding radiologist members in good standing of ESTI and ESR upon proof of at least 20 CME credits per year (equalling 100 CME credits in the past five years).


Re-Examination, Cancellation


In case a candidate did not pass the European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging he/she has the possibility to retake the examination one year later. A reduced fee of € 200.00 will be granted for a re-examination.


No refunds can be provided if the applicant withdraws his/her application after acceptance of the same. If applying again for the next examination, only 50% of the respective handling fee will be charged.


ESTI Diploma Holders
Firstname Lastname City/Country Diploma holder since
Natalie Antunes Lisbon/PT 2025
Małgorzata Jelitto Gdansk/PL 2025
Cecilia Petersson Varberg/SE 2025
Olof Joakim Pettersson Uppsala/SE 2025
Matthäus Wernli-Kordecki Olten/CH 2025
André Carvalho Porto/PT 2024
Zaid Hussain Khan Leicester/UK 2024
Katharina Martini Zurich/CH 2024
Gábor Mózsik Budapest/HU 2024
Maurice Pradella Basel/CH 2024
Christian Stumm Basel/CH 2024
Felix Doellinger Berlin/DE 2023
Philippe Khafagy Fribourg/CH 2023
Roman Mantel Zurich/CH 2023
Tilo Niemann Baden/CH 2023
Ilaria Pulzato Genoa/IT 2023
Alexander Sauter Basel/CH 2023
Dagmar Schwaiger Berlin/DE 2023
Gianluca Argentieri Lugano/CH 2022
Jens Bremerich Basel/CH 2022
Paula Campos Lisbon/PT 2022
Jan Kellner St. Gallen/CH 2022
Simin Laures Aarau/CH 2022
Mathias Andreas Müller Frauenfeld/CH 2022
Carina Ruano Lisbon/PT 2022
Rosana Santos Lisbon/PT 2022
Andres Spirig Aarau/CH 2022
Milos Stojanovic Tonsberg/NO 2022
Thomas Frauenfelder Zurich/CH 2019
Eva Kocova Hradec Kralove/CZ 2019
Mark Oliver Wielpütz Heidelberg/DE 2019